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our story

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Ximena Tavera

God's Vision

Life, Faith, Confidence

Since I can remember as a child, my parents were extremely involved in giving back. Not only were they pastors tending to the flock in this nation, but they also would go back and make sure our people in Latin America were taken care of. My parents always had us involved in doing garage sales, fundraising, and finding ways to give back to our people back home. Gradually, it started getting more involved with other countries such as Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. So the spirit of giving has been instilled in me since I was in the womb.

Within the last few years, I was really involved in the missionary movement at my local church. My job was to present to the church the extreme need that these missionaries, pastors, and preachers had to spread the gospel. In these formal presentations, we would show where they started and how far they have come. This lit a fire in me to do more. I am so grateful to my pastor, William Soto, at the United Latin American Pentecostal Church in Jacksonville, FL. This ministry that he gave me allowed me to see the extreme need there was for spreading the gospel. My parents instilled the spirit of giving, and my pastor instilled the spirit of helping spread the gospel. Combine these two, and we now have PROJECT WIRELESS.

Why the name? Such an unusual name for a missionary ministry. Let's now fast-forward to November 2021. I am a wedding officiant, and I also direct events. As an officiant, I have married couples on beaches, in parks, in gardens, etc, etc. It was now time for me to upgrade my wireless speaker because the one I had was very outdated, and the events I was managing were getting bigger and bigger. I ordered one from Amazon, and at that very moment, something came over me. A thought came into my head: "This WIRELESS, portable, and rechargeable speaker could be a powerful tool for the missions." At that moment, sitting in my car parked outside Harvey's supermarket, the thought of donating a wireless speaker overtook me.

That very moment, I sent a message to the director of evangelism in Nicaragua. My dear friend Daimer Conde was also a missionary pastor in Nicaragua at the time. He was originally sent from Colombia, South America. I sent him an audio message letting him know that I wanted to donate a wireless speaker to his evangelism team. It took him a bit to answer, but when he did, he was almost crying. He was overwhelmed with emotions and feelings of gratitude towards the Lord. I asked him why he was crying or what was wrong. He said that the speaker they were using had died that same week. It was not a wireless speaker, and they struggled to always ask businesses to let them plug it in. They would preach in the streets and use extensions and a bunch of other things to be able to tell the folks in the cities of Nicaragua that Jesus is a healer, a redeemer, a savior, the Lord of lords, and the King of kings. So the previous day (before receiving my message), they had a fasting service, asking the Lord to give them another speaker so that they could continue preaching in the streets. So when he received my audio the VERY NEXT DAY out of nowhere, he was overwhelmed with emotions. The Lord had answered their prayer! When I heard that, I was also overwhelmed and consumed with gratitude and emotions. I asked myself, "So is this a thing, Lord? Donating wireless speakers?" What are the chances of somebody calling you to tell you that they're donating a speaker when you had been fasting for one the previous day? Was it coincidence or GODINCIDENCE?  It was at that very moment that Project Wireless was born.

Project Wireless is the organization that gives these men of God the ability to have church services wirelessly in any corner of the earth. Since then, we have donated wireless speakers to Colombia, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba, and Honduras. The intention is to reach the entire planet by removing whatever obstacles are stopping churches, preachers, and ministries from spreading the gospel. Sometimes the only barrier is simply money. They simply DO NOT have the means to buy the tools needed to spread the gospel, and that's where we come in. What is the gospel? The Bible describes it as the good news for humanity. The good news states that there is life in Jesus Christ and salvation in his name. When the gospel arrives in somebody's life, it brings redemption, salvation, healing, hope, joy, and the will to do good to others. But we don't just help by providing tools to spread the gospel; we are also a humanitarian ministry. We strive to provide medicine, food, clothes, and other basic human needs to those that need them. I truly believe we are in the last days, and we need to make sure that the gospel spreads to the ends of the earth. We are 100% independent and are not affiliated with any other religious group. We are all volunteers, so 99% of your donation will go to the cause. If the gospel has reached you, will you help us reach those corners of the earth that are waiting to hear the good news?

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